12 สาว ตัวแทนความสดใสทั้ง 12 เฉดสี เกิร์ลกรุ๊ปที่กำลังดึงดูดความสนใจของทุกคนอยู่ ณ ขณะนี้!! และในที่สุดสาวๆ IZ*ONE ก็กำลังจะเดินทางมาหยุดทุกจังหวะหัวใจของ WIZ*ONE ที่ประเทศไทยกันแล้ว!! 🎉

เตรียมตัวให้พร้อมกับ IZ*ONE 1ST CONCERT [EYES ON ME] in BANGKOK
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 มิถุนายนนี้ ที่ MCC HALL เดอะมอลล์บางกะปิ
อย่าพลาดทุกความเคลื่อนไหว อัพเดทพร้อมกันเร็วๆนี้ ทางเฟซบุคแฟนเพจ StarShowTH

ในวันเสาร์ที่ 11 พฤษภาคม 2562 ตั้งแต่เวลา 10:00 น. เป็นต้นไป
ทาง www.eventpop.me
Ticket Information & Rules
- Name used to apply membership with www.eventpop.me must be the same name on your ID card as it will be identified on the order confirmation and on the proof of order in the system. In case that applying membership was done through Facebook, your name must be edited to be as per on ID card. Please also update you email address.
- If your personal information is not correct, you can edit it from menu “My Profile” via this link http://bit.ly/2SAhk2S
- Online Tickets Sale will be opened for giving queue numbers by first come first serve. Queue numbers will be notified to buyers and seen at 10 AM onwards. The system will gradually run the queues in sequence.
- One user can take only one queue number per order. Queue receiving has to be done through computer or mobile phone; recommended to use web browser “Google Chrome” or “eventpop application.” Once receiving queue number, buyer cannot change devices or user accounts. If found, this would result losing the queue immediately. Buyer then would have to start over again the queue receiving process.
- After reaching the queue, buyer will have 15 minutes for zone & seat selection. If over 15 minutes, the queue will be canceled and buyer has to acquire the new queue only.
- Seat selection could be done only under the same zone. In case buyer needs the seats in different zones, new queue receiving is a must to proceed.
- Buyer can reserve up to 4 seats per one order. However, there is no limit on the number of orders.
- Once the seats are chosen, the system will lock the seat numbers. Buyer must complete the transaction within 15 minutes. If over 15 minutes, the order will be canceled and buyer has to make a new transaction only.
- Payment can be done via 3 methods: Credit / Debit Card, Bill Payment Counter Service, Bank Transfer.
- Payment by Credit / Debit Card will include payment fees. Credit Cards can be VISA, MASTER CARD, JCB. Debit Card can be of the followings; Bangkok Bank, Krung Thai Bank, Bank of Ayudhya, Kasikorn Bank, Siam Commercial Bank, and Wecard. Buyer could study instruction of payment via Credit / Debit Card from this link http://bit.ly/2ViZJO9
- Payment by bill will include billing creation fee. Bill with Barcode and QR code could be received via email or downloaded from the website. Buyer can make payment via mobile banking and counter services listed on the bill only. Payment must be done within 2 hours. If not, order confirmation will be canceled. Buyer could study instruction of payment by bill from this link http://bit.ly/2ViZPoZ
- Payment by Bank Transfer, buyer has to confirm the order prior to receive account number. Payment must be done and notified the system within 2 hours. Please do not forget to notify your payment to the system, otherwise the order will be canceled. Buyer could study instruction of payment via Bank Transfer from this link http://bit.ly/2ViNocY
- Once ticket is purchased, buyer could not change seat number, upgrade, cancel, or refund the ticket in any case.
- After completing transaction, buyer will receive Order Confirmation via email for picking up the ticket. Name on the order confirmation must be the same name registered in eventpop member account (cannot be edited.)
- In case no Order Confirmation received via email, buyer could download it by following the instruction from the website via this link http://bit.ly/2SDzuko
- Conditions may be changed as appropriate.
Ticket Receiving
- Self-Pick Up at ticket counter of IZ*ONE 1ST CONCERT [EYES ON ME] in BANGKOK, MCC Hall The Mall Bangkapi on June 16, 2019, 12.00 PM (NOON) – 06.00 PM. (To avoid missing the concert time, please reserve more time for picking up the tickets.)
- Please prepare your order confirmation and original ID card or others that are issued by government such as Student ID Card, Driver License, or Passport to identify yourself.
- In case of authorizing others to pick up the tickets, please prepare copy of user’s ID Card with authorized signature, certifying true copy, identifying name of attorney with purpose to pick up the ticket of IZ*ONE 1ST CONCERT [EYES ON ME] in BANGKOK on the copy to present at the ticket counter.
- There is no identification name-surname on all tickets. Holder can present plastic ticket to enter the hall without showing ID Card.
List of items prohibited from and rules for the “IZ*ONE 1ST CONCERT [EYES ON ME] in Bangkok”
- No cameras, tablets, iPads or other recording devices are allowed in the concert (smartphones or tablets smaller than 7’’ can be brought to the concert).
* During the concert, recording of photographs, videos, or sounds using whichever device (no exemption for smartphones) is strictly prohibited. If you are caught doing so, our staff or members of the security team will ask you to leave the venue of the concert and delete all contents recorded from the concert. Your camera must then be deposited at a cloakroom. If you refuse to comply, you will not be allowed back in the concert hall. Please follow the rule strictly, so you do not miss a single moment of the concert.
- Portable chairs, step ladders or any types of selfie sticks
- LED sign boards (regardless of their size) as they would obstruct the performance on stage and the viewing of the other audiences
- Laser swords, light sticks, glow sticks, props or items used for cheering that are longer than 30 cm or that may cause injury (**Official Ligtht Stick can be brought to the concert**)
- Paper sign boards or pieces of paper exceeding the A4 size
- Megaphones, air horns or any other sound amplifiers
- Foods or beverages
- Balloons of any type, inflatable sticks or large balls
- Any types of firecrackers or fireworks are prohibited from the venue of the concert.
- No objects are to be thrown onto the stage during the performance or when the artists are on stage.
Please note:
* For the ticket holders with large baggage, you can leave your bags at the cloakroom.
** Do not leave any valuable items in the bags, as we are not liable for any loss.
*** Sales of counterfeit objects or other illicit items are not allowed at the venue of the concert.
* During the concert, recording of photographs, videos, or sounds using whichever device (no exemption for smartphones) is strictly prohibited. If you are caught doing so, our staff or members of the security team will ask you to leave the venue of the concert and delete all contents recorded from the concert. Your camera must then be deposited at a cloakroom. If you refuse to comply, you will not be allowed back in the concert hall. Please follow the rule strictly, so you do not miss a single moment of the concert.