Great nature photography requires deep understanding and learning.
To respect all life forms and have a high patience.
Join Q&A and experience exchange session
with a famous photographer from Japan.
Mr. Otsuka Yukinori who has fascinated with nature
and worked with many top media.
Adventurer photographers can't miss this [LIVE Streaming] session.
Special: View a photo collection "The Miracle of Nature"
from Daisetsuzan National Park, the largest national park in Japan
located in Higashikawa Town, Hokkaido.
Book in advance : [FREE] 40 seats
(Japanese speaker, an interpreter assigned to translate the talk)
Photo by:
Yukinori Otsuka
Photo by:
Yukinori Otsuka
Location : (8th floor) THE KANNAS, Chiang Mai
15 December 2018 at 13:30 - 15:00