
Taking Notes

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TAKING NOTES / Monday May 7

A paper-notebook is an extension of your brain. This class will teach you WHY you should use a notebook as a powerful tool to manage and plan your own life, and HOW it can have a big impact on your everyday life. During this workshop we will understand WHAT we can do with it, also to express ourselves and communicate with others.

This is a 90 minutes workshop during which we will discuss and try ideas by actively playing with basic tools and learn more about the topic and how to apply it to our daily life. The workshop is in English and there is a limited number of seats (20) so please book your seat in advance. No special skills are required, everyone can join.

Who is teaching the class? Professor and designer Carlo Convertini was born in Italy and is currently based in Bangkok. He has more than 7 years of experience as educator and more than 10 as interior/furniture designer. In these workshops, he is trying to apply his design education to improve people's lives. For more questions, please contact him directly.

More info about it can be found on our Facebook page

About the venue, please visit The HOME BKK

Organized by
Carlo Convertini