KIDS INTRODUCTION TO IMPROV COMEDY WORKSHOP (Ages 9-13) - 11:00am to 2:00pm at The Comedy Club Bangkok, Saturday, August 27th.
11:00am to 12:30pm, 1/2 hour lunch break, then from 1:00pm to 2:00pm.
Please bring/buy your own lunch, water will be provided.
This fun workshop introduces kids to the thrill of improvised comedy theatre, no prior experience necessary, and is a great fundamentals workshop for theatre of any kind. We will have lots of games and participation as the kids will learn the importance of teamwork and supporting their fellow performers. The basics of improvisation are introduced through experiential exercises that are both fun and educational. The kids will learn a lot... but mostly they will have a lot of fun, building confidence and public speaking skills while learning how joyous theatre and improvisation comedy can be.
Led by a professional improvisor with over 30 years of experience DREW MCCREADIE, and facilitated by an experienced primary school teacher and theatre professional.
Parents are welcome to stay and watch, or stay on premises (downstairs in The Royal Oak restaurant). Children unwilling or unable to participate in a positive manner will be asked to leave. No bullying and no fighting!
ENROLL TWO KIDS AND GET A DISCOUNT! Any questions, please email