Don't Let Daddy Know is coming to Thailand on the 12th of February 2017!!
#DLDKTHAILAND is making its debut at Asiatique The Riverfront, Bangkok.
#DLDK is one of the biggest electronic dance music brands in the world. Huge venue, mind-blowing visuals and special effects, and guaranteed a mind blowing line-up that has recently brought together the likes of Martin Garrix, Steve Aoki, Skrillex, Dimitri Vegas and Like Mike, Steve Angello and many more.
More info here: www.facebook.com/DLDKthailand
Please Note:
DO's & DON'Ts- Do have your ID Card or Passport ready for inspection - Do keep your ticket with you at all times- Smoking is only permitted within the designated smoking areas- No Camera / No Video Camera / No Audio/Visual Recorders allowed- No Drugs & No weapons allowed
TERMS & CONDITIONS- Your ticket is non-returnable and non-refundable.- Your ticket is only valid for the date of the show it was issued for.- Age restriction : Age 20 years & over. Valid IDs or Passports are required for entry.- Please use your full name in the credit card / debit card form to ensure successful payment.- Ticket delivery is only available in Thailand via Kerry Express. International customers please choose "Receive at Event".- Lost ticket is subject to the organizer's policy, Event Pop is not responsible for any lost ticket.
Dont Let Daddy Know电音节强势来袭,即将于2017年2月12日首次登陆泰国 !
#DLDKTHAILAND 电音节将于泰国曼谷Asiatique The Riverfront狂烈引爆。
#DLDK是全球最大规模的户外电音节之一,庞大的场地,加上绚丽舞台与酷炫视效,顶尖DJ阵容,如: Martin Garrix, Steve Aoki, Skrillex, Dimitri Vegas and Like Mike, Steve Angello 等等,引发电音狂潮,提供最极致的电音节体验。
Please Note: