Education • Health

Intro into Psychedelic Training

To Be Announced
New Earth - Koh Phangan
Surat Thani, Thailand

PsiloThai - Intro into Psychedelic Therapy 

A 3 day workshop at New Earth | Koh Phangan

How to connect and work with psychedelics. 

Learn to create a space of healing and reach a high level of consciousness. 

Who is this for

》 Psychedelic enthusiasts

》 Guides and spaceholders

》 Future psychedelic therapists 

What to expect

》 The neuroscience and research of psychedelics

》 The history of psychedelics

》 Therapeutic session

》 Counseling techniques

》 Harm reduction

》 Integration

》 Psychedelic state of consciousness

》 Current status of legalisation in Thailand

》 Practical consciousness exercises

》 Herbal Sauna, Ice Bath & Firepit

》 Dinners, drinks & snacks

》 Breathwork 

》 After party on 20th Jan (Free entry to New Earth’s ONENESS FESTIVAL)  

Full Itinerary

Day 1 - January 18th 
1pm - Welcome drinks at New Earth restaurant. 
1.30pm - Opening discussion - Introductions of who we are & an explanation of the days ahead with itinerary. Introduction of all guest speakers. 
2pm - Group rapport exercise - getting to know each other and the PsiloThai team members. 
3pm - Lecture by Charlie Solares - counseling techniques such as: reflection & paraphrasing, active listening, rapport building, non-verbal communication, questioning, summarization, feedback, client benchmarks & goal setting.  
3:50- Quick Break 
4pm - Lecture by Nir Tadmor - Harm reduction and Neuroscience of Psychedelic Therapy. 
4:40- Break 
5pm - Continuation of Nir Tadmor’s presentation. 
5:50pm - Break 
6pm - Group work - Past trip reporting or personal interest in Psychedelics with practice of counseling techniques. 
7pm - Sauna, Fire & Ice (optional)
8pm - Dinner and flow dinner discussion discussion from recommended subjects. 

Day 2 - January 19th
1pm - Mindful exercise (Disc Golf) & rapport building. 
2:30pm - Lecture by Charlie Solares - PsiloThai - Psychedelic in depth conversations - History and research, past advocates and leaders in the field, MAPS (Multi-Disciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) Psychedelic Science 2023 - a review of the recent conference in Denver, Colorado. Ending with the current legal status of Psychedelic therapy & research in Thailand.  
3:15- Break 
3:30pm- Lecture Jasmin Kuester: Trauma Informed Pre-screening and Intake
- Trauma Informed Care
- Medical Conditions
- Nervous System State Assessment
- Participants Intentions
- Level of experience and previous experiences with altered states and psychedelics of participant
- Participants Needs before, during and after the session
- Assessment/Mapping of Resources; including existing social support network
- Trauma History
- Introduction to Integration Process
- Introducing participant to support system that we provide
- Identifying support that they might need or they might have after
4:30 - Break with snacks 
4:45pm Lecture Inna Krylovetska - subject area to be covered - “Therapeutic potential of psychedelic-assisted therapy. Integration as the key to sustainable transformation”.
At the lecture, we will discuss foundational aspects of psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT) within the context of the American-European paradigm. We will explore a system designed to facilitate the process safely and effectively. We'll will discuss, who could benefit from this form of therapy and for whom is better to avoid or have a longer preparation. Additionally, the lecture will focus on integration as a crucial part of the therapeutic process, covering its emphasis, techniques, and implementation system."
5.30pm Break 
5:45pm - Continuation of Inna Krylovetska’s lecture 
6:15pm - Break
6:30pm- Breath-work session
8pm- Dinner and flow dinner discussion discussion from recommended subjects. 

Day 3 - January 20th
1pm Lecture by Inna Krylovetska : Final integration discussion and important topics to be covered. 
1:50pm Break 
2pm - Lecture Charlie Solares - counseling integration session and introduction into TIR (Tailor-made Integration Report). 
2:50pm - Break 
3pm - Closing of the workshop with a cacao offering. 
3pm - 10pm Enter into the “Oneness Festival” - Art, music, sauna, fire and ice offering. 
Note: the New Earth restaurant will be opened on the last day Jan. 20th but no formal dinner will be on during the festival. 

Also this schedule is just a guideline and the facilitators will reserve the right to modify the schedule to go with the flow of the workshop as they see fit.

Organized by
New Earth Phangan