Art & Design • Kids & Family

P1 After (อาฟเตอร์)

 P1 After

by Circus Gate (Taiwan)

Genre:                     Circus
Duration:                40 minutes
Suitable for:           All ages
Venue:                     Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC), Studio 4th Fl.
Capacity:                150 seats
Ticket Price:           Children under 16 years    300 THB/ticket
                                 Adults                                    600 THB/ticket

- Fri 2 August 2024 at 13:00 (with post-show talk)
- Sat 3 August 2024 at 13:00
- Sun 4 August 2024 at 13:00

        “AFTER” is a personal journey of Yang Shih-Hao, a circus artist who was turning 30. The performance examines how he reflects on “the form of circus creation” from physical condition, life experience, technical training, and body mobility. However, what are the new possibilities and motives? What can be new in the field of circus?

        In the show “AFTER”, Shih-Hao had spent nearly three years to discover the so-called “contemporary circus” step by step and further rethink about the technique in circus through researches on and interviews of Taiwan’s circus history, his close performing object - cyr wheel and his personal training experience. Through the expression of his body, the object and the discourse, he tries to understand the meaning of life mobility and the traces being created along the way.


BICT Fest 2024 is bringing joy to friends, young ones, and families once again in full swing from August 2-11. Our theme "Cross the Threshold, follow your butterflies" 🦋 invites all ages to explore the world of imagination through various forms of performing arts from Thailand and abroad. These include 13 performances from 8 countries with contemporary dance, puppetry, interactive performances, delightful outdoor shows in the park, workshops from the artists, creative activities, and discussions for theatre makers. ✨ 

🦋Or see full festival details at 
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