Education • Technology

Space 2060 Night

Join an extraordinary voyage into the future. We are thrilled to announce our partnership between and FutureTales Lab by MQDC to embark on a groundbreaking foresight research of the global space industry. 

Connect with experts, enthusiasts, and fellow visionaries who share your passion for space exploration. Exchange ideas, collaborate, and make lifelong connections.

If you are here, then you should come to this event.


Join us on Monday 6th November 2023. 

18:00 Registration open 

18:30 An Introduction of our foresight research and methodology. 

19:00 A Reveal 4 space scenarios from our Study. 

19:15 - 20:15 A Panel Discussion 

Panel Discussion

Dive deep into the fascinating foresight research on the global space industry in 2060. Get ready to explore the potential breakthroughs, challenges, and innovations that will define our future in the cosmos. 

Joining Conversation by 

Asst. Prof. Poomporn Thamsatitdej, Advisory of Future Tales Lab by MQDC

Paritat Theanthong, Project Manager, NSTDA Space Education Program

Wasanchai Vongsantivanich, CEO, DELV Aerospace

Potiwat Ngamkajornwiwat, Lecturer and Researcher, Panyapiwat Institute of Management 

Chayapatr Archiwaranguprok, Editor-in-Chief, Spaceth

Foods and Drinks, and A special gift from a space nerd is absolutely free. 


Town Hall L, True Digital Park, 7th Floor. 

Can be accessed by BTS Punnawithi with 5 minutes walking. 

Parking space is available with fee. Electric Vehicle charger is available. 

Media Information 

We welcome all media and journalist, contact or Press kit are provided. 

PDPA and Personal Data Protection 

To comply with protect personal data regulation under the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562; You can agree or disagree to give the consent to Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited to collect or use and disclose my personal data including names, photograph, video and/or audio for online and offline publications, both locally and internationally, websites, social media, company and group online channels and publication and marketing both internal and external. 

future study, Space
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