

Get ready for the HUAWEI DEVELOPER CONFERENCE 2020 (Together).
We'll be sharing the latest on HMS Core 5.0, giving new updates about HarmonyOS and EMUI 11, and unveiling many more exciting technologies.

2020 has brought a new era of intelligence and interconnectivity, with the widespread adoption of 5G and AI technologies. HMS now offers 7 types of new services, and more than 10 distribution platforms. Our HMS incentive program now covers over 1.6 million developers around the world and our cross-device services reach 700 million users. 

HarmonyOS is breaking down boundaries in communication, and the long-anticipated Seamless AI Life paradigm for ubiquitous, connected intelligence, is just around the corner.

Our engineers are dedicated to serving the global developer community, and have worked tirelessly to make your creations broadly accessible.

Together we build. Together we grow.

12:00-13:00 Registration & Experience the Huawei EMUI 11(Snack box provided)
13:15-13:40 Introduction to Huawei Consumer Business / AppGallery 
13:40 -13:55 Short Presentation by SF executives 
14:00-16:00 Watch Huawei Developer Conference 2020 
16:10-16:30 Wrap Up and Conclusion by Huawei DTSE
16:30 -16:45 Upcoming Huawei Event and AppUps 

We’re bringing the online event to offline. The event will start with a brief introduction on Huawei Consumer Business, followed by experience sharing from exclusive guest speaker’s from SF Corporation and then inviting all Android Developers to watch the HDC 2020 live on screen. Finally the wrap-up session from Huawei DTSE.  

Together we build. Together we grow.
Join us to explore the exciting ways we're looking to collaborate with developers and partners in the future.

More information:
(Live streaming available on 10-12 Sept 2020 )
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